The Fun Side of Healthy™
Our Dog & Cat Blog
Healthy Snack Ideas for Dogs
Dogs didn’t become man’s best friend by happenstance. Sure we both mutually agreed the other was awesome, but we also had some common interests—like food!
While we both have similar tastes, it's our responsibility to look out for our furry friends and only share what’s good for them. We hope this guide will help!

The Healthiest Dog Treats You Can Find in Your Fridge
Fruits & Veggies for Dogs
✓ Super Shareables
The following fruits and veggies are A-OK to serve your dog, usually in moderation. For a deep dive into how nature's superfoods can benefit your dog, click here!
- Apples— Named after Gwyneth Paltrow’s child, apples are a great source of vitamins A and C and fiber for your furry friend. We have a more detailed look into this particular fruit in this finely written post where we outline the importance of removing the seeds and core before handing over a slice.
- Blueberries— Wondering about blueberry for dogs? Perhaps the most enjoyable fruit to catch out of midair (which should just be called air), blueberries are rich in fiber and antioxidants (Yay for preventing cell damage). Plus, you can freeze blueberries for an added crunch. Go ahead and toss some their way!
- Watermelon for Dogs — Watermelon’s greatest strength is right there in the name. It’s made up of 92% water, so if your dog needs a little motivation to get hydrated, we can’t think of a better solution. Plus they are basically a first-three-letters-of-the-alphabet multivitamin (sporting A, B6 and C). But make sure to remove the rind and seeds before feeding as they can cause intestinal blockage.
- Dogs and Strawberries - do dogs like strawberries? This delightful antioxidant-rich berry is wonderful for dogs - but in moderation. Like most fruits, strawberries contain natural sugars that can upset your dog's digestive system.
- Coconut for Dogs - just like the other fruits on this list, coconut meat or oil should be served to dogs in moderation. A great way to serve coconut to dogs is with one of Fruitables' coconut dog treats, such as Yogos Coconut or new Spreads Coconut & Oatmeal.
- Bananas - The benefits of bananas for dogs are similar to humans - bananas are high-fiber and nutrient-rich, but also high in sugar. Therefore, bananas are great for dogs served as a treat in moderation.
- Pumpkin for Dogs. Let’s begin with this good gourd. A staple of many dog treats including Fruitables®, pumpkin is rich in antioxidants and can help with both constipation and diarrhea (the doggo doodoo double whammy). Vitamins A, C, and E can also help immune health, and you can even use pumpkin as a cloaking device for your pup’s medicine. Try a pumpkin puree for dogs, like our Pumpkin Digestive Supplement!
- Carrot— Dogs love to munch and crunch, and there’s no better veggie than carrots to get those chompers going. Carrots strengthen your dog’s teeth and with beta-carotene, which produces vitamin A, you’re also supporting your dog’s immune health.
- Celery— If you can’t handle your buddy breathing in your face, celery can freshen your dog’s breath. But it’s more than vegetable chewing gum. It’s chock full of vitamins (A, B, and C) and promotes a healthy heart.
- Sweet Potato - dogs can enjoy peeled and cooked sweet potato alongside their human companions! The main benefit of sweet potato for dogs is yams' fiber content, but beware. Uncooked raw and unpeeled sweet potato is dangerous for dogs – it can cause intestinal blockage, gas and more.
- Broccoli – dogs can enjoy broccoli in moderation. Served occasionally as a snack, broccoli is a fiber- and nutrient-rich superfood for dogs.
✕ Just the Pits
We hope you'll use the following list of fruits and veggies to determine what's safe for your dog. Avoid the following foods like the plague!
- Cherries— Suspect number 1 on the don’t-feed-fruit list are cherries. All but the fleshy fruit around the seed are toxic to dogs. In fact, cherries are so dangerous, you should keep your dog away from any cherry trees in the yard and make sure your cherry pits are in a dog-safe trash can once you’ve had your fill.
- Grapes— They’re easy to flip in your dog’s direction, but grapes are highly toxic for four-leggers. Kidney failure is a possible side effect, so keep a healthy amount of distance between this fruit and your friend
- Tomatoes— Are they a fruit? We can debate that later. Right now, let’s focus on any green part of the tomato (unripe tomatoes count) that contains a toxic substance called solanine. While red tomato is safe, it’s best to leave this fruit or veggie out of your dog’s diet to avoid confusion.
- Onions— You don’t want them on your cheeseburgers (if you do, gross), and you definitely don’t want onions in your dog's paws. Onions contain thiosulfate and are considered one of the most toxic foods you can feed your dog. Anything related such as shallots, leeks, chives, and sweet onions should also be avoided.
- Mushrooms— While store-bought mushrooms are A-okay, wild mushrooms have the potential to be toxic to your dog. Just like with tomatoes, it’s best to stay away.
- Avocado— The perfect complement to your burrito bowl is not so great for their bowl. In fact, avocados have a high level of persin—a fungicide that can cause vomiting and diarrhea. This is primarily found in the pit and peel, but even the fleshy inside is not ideal for dogs.
Nut Butters and Dairy for Dogs
The following nut butters and dairy products are awesome for dogs.
- Peanut Butter - You know pups love peanut butter. But can dogs eat peanut butter? The answer is a resounding YES! Be sure to choose an all-natural, sugar-free butter as xylitol and other artificial sweeteners are super toxic to dogs. A great option is Fruitables' new Spreads line, creamy spreadable treats for dogs that are free of palm oil and xylitol.
- Almond Butter - Can dogs have almond butter? Yes! When selecting one for your dog, make sure to look for almond butter that is preservative and sugar-free. Additionally, almonds can cause digestive upset in some dogs, so monitor your pup after serving.
- Yogurt for Dogs - Can dogs eat yogurt? Yogurt is good for dogs and the creamy tasty delicacy delights doggie tastebuds. Just make sure your selection is sugar-free, just like peanut butters for dogs.
Closing the Fridge
As you can see, people and dogs eat a lot in common, but your fur-child does have some danger foods. If you’d like to always feel confident in your treats, consider Fruitables. Our treats are made with real fruits, vegetables and protein (but only the safe ones). Pick yours up at a store near you.
The Fun Side of Healthy™
Our Dog & Cat Blog