The Fun Side of Healthy™
Our Dog & Cat Blog
Yogurt or No-gurt: Should You Give Yogurt to Your Dog?

Picture the scene: you’re perusing the fridge for a healthy snack. Between a bag of baby carrots and last night’s Chinese, you spot a pot of something tasty. Something creamy. Yup, we’re talking about yogurt.
Now, look down (in your imagination, not in real life, this is a reading exercise after all). There’s your pet, gazing up at you, an adoring look in their eyes. Suddenly, you realize with a jolt that they’re not looking at you—they’re sizing up your yogurt.
Should you share it with them? Can dogs eat yogurt and if so, what are the benefits? Read on to find out.
Benefits of Yogurt for Dogs
- Good Guts — Is yogurt good for dogs? Yes! Yogurt is full of probiotics, a type of live bacteria that can help your pet's digestion and immunity. They can also reduce the risk of diseases and cancer. But do dogs need probiotics? Just like in humans, the good bacteria in fermented foods help to boost your dog's immune system, balancing the effects of "dead" factory food. Adding probiotics into your dog's diet is a great way to enhance their health and wellness.
- Muscle Milk— Our dogs probably aren’t entering weight lifting contests anytime soon, but the protein found in yogurt helps in the growth of bodily tissues such as hair, tendons, cartilage and muscles. So Lassie can save you from that quicksand all by herself.
- Doggie Dental Care — The whey in yogurt contains peptides that fight tartar and plaque and take care of the bacteria responsible for tooth decay. Good dental care is key to your dog's health, and you can take steps now to protect their wellbeing.
Pretty good list, right? Your spoon full of French vanilla is already descending toward your pet’s mouth. But wait…stop!
Is Yogurt Good for Dogs?
Can dogs eat Greek yogurt? Is regular yogurt ok or should you look for something else? Read on for our best tips on finding the right yogurt or yogurt-based treat for your pup.
Scary Dairy— You probably know someone who is lactose intolerant. Just the sight of a dairy product can lead to discomfort. Many dogs are sensitive to lactose too! Consider introducing yogurt into your pet’s diet slowly while also making sure it never exceeds 10% of their daily intake.
Real Good— If any yogurt product says “sugar free” or “reduced sugar,” don’t even think about feeding it to your pet. These items could contain xylitol, an artificial sweetener which is toxic to both cats and dogs.
Hey There, Sugar—a term of endearment for your furry friend, but many added sugars are hard for dogs to process. They can lead to diabetes, unwanted weight gain and dental issues. Pets: they’re just like us!
Should You Feed Your Dog Yogurt?
As with any food, there are pros and cons, go-tos and guidelines when it comes to yogurt for your pet. Alas, pets are not humans, so they don’t get to choose what they eat. You do. After all, if they were human, you’d probably tell them to get jobs so they can buy their own food.
For a fun and easy way to introduce your dog yogurt, try Fruitables® Yogos, a healthy dog treat roll-up treat made with real yogurt and fruit in a fun roll-up shape. They’re packed with health benefits and, even better, you can finally stop sharing a spoon.
For a crunchy yogurt-based dog treat, check out Fruitables Greek.
The Fun Side of Healthy™
Our Dog & Cat Blog